ellipse(x, y, w, h)

Draws an ellipse (oval) in the display window. An ellipse with an equal width and height is a circle. The first two parameters set the location, the third sets the width, and the fourth sets the height. If no height is specified, the value of width is used for both the width and height. If a negative height or width is specified, the absolute value is taken. The origin may be changed with the ellipseMode() function.

Type: function


  • x {Number}:

    X-coordinate of the ellipse.

  • y {Number}:

    Y-coordinate of the ellipse.

  • w {Number}:

    Width of the ellipse.

  • h {Number}:

    Height of the ellipse.


  • {Oval}:

    New Oval (in InDesign Scripting terms the corresponding type is Oval, not Ellipse).